Why After 40 Years Email Marketing Still Rocks!

Gaz Barnett Sep 30, 2022
1 People Read

Email marketing is still a very affordable, yet brilliant marketing strategy that every business should be exploiting to the full.

“It’s not inexpensive to start and maintain email marketing campaigns. Strategies like email follow-ups, segmentation, and triggered campaigns help you to get the most for your money, allowing you to scale your business without pouring all of your hard-earned revenue back into digital marketing.

Segmentation allows you to place your customers into appropriate email marketing lists which helps businesses to target specific buyer groups more effectively. Customers need the right information to move them on to the next buying stage and sending the right content will do just that. It’s all about moving your prospects through your sales funnel, not as quickly as possible, but as efficiently as possible.

Email marketing is still the most cost-effective digital marketing strategy that you can use to reach and engage with your target audience and believe it or is now in its 40th year.

That is amazing! After so many decades it’s still one of the best marketing strategies for many online businesses.

Email marketing gives extraordinary returns with a staggering 4400% ROI. Average returns of $40-45 for every $1 spent are common.

No other marketing strategy can consistently match returns like email marketing can and it's something all online businesses should have in place. eMarketer magazine reported on a study undertaken in 2021 which revealed that the ROI trendline is still heading in the right direction. According to the study, 73% of in-house marketers worldwide said that email marketing provided them with a strong ROI in 2021, making it the marketing tactic that received the highest percentage of responses in their survey, even more than SEO. In 2008, SEO ranked higher than email, but today the tables have turned.

Email marketing has a much larger number of users than social media and another study revealed that there would be more than 3.7 billion email users by the end of the year. Now I think you will agree that number rocks!

And what about social media you may be asking yourself? Well, it’s reported that “Facebook, which is by far the most popular social media platform, sees only 1.9 billion unique visitors every month. Two of the other most popular networks, Instagram and Twitter, have around 600 and 317 million visitors every month.”

…and email marketing beats them all, in terms of people reached!

Even if a marketer has an equal number of email and social media subscribers, the odds are in favour that only the email marketer’s messages will ever be seen. So why is this?

It has to do with the way social media algorithms work.

Users don’t get to see every single post, tweet, and pin from the people and businesses that they follow because there are simply too many updates to fit onto the average news feed.

Take Facebook, for example, you can only count on about 6% of your fan base seeing anything you post.

Email marketing conveys personalization extremely well. Brands are constantly using more creativity, diversification, and email personalization methods to increase their brand awareness, engagement, and customer loyalty.

Recent studies show that an estimated 75 % of consumers are more likely to buy from a brand that personalizes its messages.

Personalization used to mean seeing your name in the subject line, but it’s now become so much more than that.

Personalization now includes an arsenal of awesome, data-driven techniques that bring in a substantial ROI.

These techniques include making recommendations based on past purchases, using dynamic content to fit consumer preferences, revealing an understanding of purchase history, and taking advantage of data to promote more compelling offers.”

Email marketing has unparalleled cross-generational appeal.

Businesses now show a clear preference for receiving communications from companies via email and view email as an important communication channel.

Emails are essential for reaching and engaging with your target audience and this trend is expected to grow exponentially.

Building a strong email marketing strategy for your business helps you to reach and connect with your target audience in a personalized way and increase sales at an affordable cost. Just as other platforms and media have changed and evolved over the years, email marketing tools give your business the ability to reach customers easier than ever before.

Every business should be making email marketing a core part of their overall marketing efforts and strategies.

If you plan to build an email marketing system into your business, I can offer you more tips and recommendations about the tools and services needed to create an effective email marketing system. get in touch with Gaz at help@emailmarketing rocks.com for some free honest advice.

I have a FREE 6-part course on how to get the most from your email marketing. If interested please go to:
