3 Reasons Why You Should Learn to Love Unsubscribes.  

Gaz Barnett Sep 30, 2022
1 People Read
Love your unsubscribes


Love unsubscribes I hear you say, what’s he on about?

Let me explain, If you are like most new email marketers logging into your autoresponder and seeing that you have lost subscriptions is disheartening, What did you do wrong?

You didn’t do anything wrong and  I am here to give you 3 good reasons why you should look forward to getting unsubscribes.


1: The first is that you are using your list.

The only way you could get an unsubscribe is to never send out an email. If you are not going to use the list why go the time and effort to build it?

 So congratulate yourself.


2: The second thing is that someone is opening your emails. To unsubscribe they had to at least open the email in the first place and then click that unsubscribe link. The good thing is that your headline worked and got them to open your email.

 Now if you are using dishonest headlines, this is not a good thing and you are reaping what you have sown. But If you are using a solid headline that matches your email and it gets opened this is a good thing. Your headline is doing its job.


3:The third and final reason is that being glad to get unsubscribes has more to do with your style of writing or personality.

Now here is a shocker (he says with sarcasm) No matter how hard you try not everyone is going to like you or your writing style. Those that don't will unsubscribe. It's inevitable and we all get them.

The good thing is that if they didn't like your style you will have never built a relationship with them.

If you can't build a relationship with the subscriber they will never buy from you. So each unsubscribe will make your list more targeted towards the people who do like your style and are more likely to respond favourably to your offers.


So now you have three good reasons for no longer dreading the unsubscribes list.

Remember that they are making your list stronger and more profitable for you in the longer run.

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